
Today used to be called the Vigil of Candlemas (the day before Candlemas) and is still celebrated by the Catholic church in some places. Candlemas is celebrated on February 2nd, it was originally chosen to be celebrated on this day as this was the date of the ancient pagan festival of Imbolc. Imbolc came at the beginning of the lambing season and was originally a celebration of the pagan goddess Bride and fertility and youth. The event was marked with lights and fires. The early Catholic church chose to change these symbols into the Purification of Mary and Bride was changed to St. Bridget.

Many churches still bless candles on this day and many still have processions of candles through the church. In times gone by churches and homes displayed candles in the windows where they could afford to. You may wish to do this in your dolls house using some of the ‘brass’ candlesticks available on our web shop

miniature candlestick
© F H Powell 2011

This festival is also known as the Naming of Jesus in some Protestant churches and used to be called the Feast of Presentation of Jesus to the Temple

For more information visit this site